Bibliotek : på ingen måte i alfabetisk orden , og alltid økende.
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD ( : The Wisdom of Your Cells ,
Bruce H. Lipton ,Phd :The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness
Joseph Murphy : The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind (Audio Book) ,
dr.Joe Dispenza : Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself | How to Lose Your Mind & Create a New One (audiobook )
dr.Joe Dispenza : Rewired with Dr. Joe Dispenza - YouTube Introduction To Your Brain - Dr. Joe Dispenza - YouTube
Eric Kandel: synaptogenesis . "Learning leads to strengthening of synaptic connections," he pointed out. "This is the fundamental principle of learning and varies as a function of repetition."
Johann Hari | Official site : books
8 Facts About the Brain (
40 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Great Dr. Joseph Murphy - Purpose Fairy
Sokratiske spørsmål i kognitiv atferdsterapi | Tidsskrift
Dr.Lissa Rankin :mind over matter talk. Placebo and nocebo effects on the mind.